Let’s work together!

My first jobs out of college were at NYC agencies. It was a foundational experience that taught me that one good idea was not enough. I had to constantly push myself and keep an eye out for the next innovation. It also taught me that design is, ultimately, storytelling. Stories connect with people on an essential, emotional level. It’s more than pretty pictures or clever phrases. Finding those stories that resonate with people drives me.

That said, I am a Californian to my core. I do my work with a mellow kindness that is incredibly effective. I love mentoring designers and contributing to design culture at companies. I’m adaptable. I’m a problem-solver by nature who leverages my talent, trends, and teamwork to get the job done.

On a personal note, I’m a single father to an awesome 13-year-old. I love comics and making them for fun informs my professional work. Sketching is a key part of my process and also a passion of mine. I get ideas from all around me. Let’s talk!

Contact me

markhavenbritt [at] gmail [dot] com

Berkeley, California